Friday, June 22, 2007

Spark People

Well, I have gotten back on the weight loss wagon AGAIN! I've lost count how many times I've done this. I cannot stop until I am successful though.

I am using a free service called Spark People. I even found an group over there for larger Moms like myself. I seem to be fitting in there & am very comfortable posting on the message board. I am able to both give & receive support in my ongoing efforts at changing my unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one.

Currently I weigh 230.0 pounds. The scale has been creeping downward so that is a good thing. Now, if only I can keep it heading South to 200 & beyond.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Tommorrow is my 1 year Anniversary

with this blog anyway.

My weight as of Apil 1st was 232.6 pounds.

I have been neglecting myself for far too long. It must change this year.

I will be locating my WW information from a few years back & get back on the "Healthy Horse" once again.

I will begin on Monday after Easter. That way I can enjoy my Easter lunch & dinner without guilt.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Weight Watchers...It's all about CHOICES.

As I said in my previous post, I found my WWFP system. I began putting it to use a couple of days ago. Yesterday was a BAAAAD day. I didn't journal my food & from what I DID remember eating....I was way over my 28 daily points. All of my flex points were probably used up as well. I didn't beat myself up, I just said "Oh Well!" & went on with my day.

TODAY on the other hand began much better. I CHOSE frosted Mini-wheats & 2 cups of 1% milk for breakfast. 7 points down, 21 points to go.

I was a little hungry around noon so I WAS going to eat some pecan halves. I stopped, measured & figured out the points...6 points for 1/4 cup of pecan halves? !NO WAY! Instead I ate 1 Baby Belle Cheese round & 1 cup of watermelon for a TOTAL of 3 points. I am positive I will be more satisfied by that instead of JUST pecans. That leaves 18 points left for the day.

I must eat at least 24 points if I remember correctly to keep from eating too few calories. I can have a NICE dinner for 18 points.

Last week I made dinner six times. It wasn't health concious but it WAS made by me....not from frozen dinners or fast food.

I made...

Orange Chicken with white rice (the orange chicken WAS from a frozen pack)

Lemon Chicken with oriental veggies. The chicken was cooked by me & dipped into a dry mix made with water. The veggies were canned.

Tortilla Stack made in the crock pot. I used Chicken (cooked & shredded by me) Canned dark red kidney beans, cheese, onions, salsa

Hamburgers (frozen patties picked up in the meat seaction & NOT boxed in the freezer section)

Pancakes from a mix

Beef Stir Fry....sauce from a dry mix with water, cooked with frozen carrots & peas over white rice.

This is a far cry from boxed tv dinners or fast food every night. For ME it is a huge improvement. It's all part of TOANL in 2006.

I am just trying to remember that it's all about the CHOICES we make.

I can choose to eat those 6 point pecans OR I can CHOOSE to eat that cup of watermelon.

I can choose to continue my emotinal eating habits or I can CHOOSE to brush my teeth, drink my water or simply WALK AWAY from the food.

I can choose to stay fat & unhappy or I can CHOOSE to change my mindset, lifestyle & reap the benefits.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

TOANL in APRIL of 2006

I found all of my Weight Watchers information from a couple of years back so I began putting it all to use today.

I KNOW that it works becuase it was working when I attending WW. My husband supports me in this whole heartedly. I had a wake up call of sorts. I was grumpy & feeling sorry for myself. I was belittleing myself about being fat & dumpy, etc. My dear sweet husband comes down to the floor, puts my head in his hands & looks me directly in the eyes saying "Get OVER yourself babe! You weren't thin when I met you, when I married you & you have had two beautiful little girls! SO you got fat! SO WHAT! That doesn't matter. What matters is that we love each other & I LOVE you! I love you just the way you are. Your attitude is hurting our marriage. PLEASE, just get over yourself" The he gave me a big kiss on the lips & giant hug.

I have concluded that I was so unhappy because I wasn't doing anything to change my weight. Then I found my WW info & I started it today. I ALREADY feel better. As for what my husband said...I pretty much agree with it all. Hearing that he doesn't care how much I weigh, etc...helped lift my spirits more than I can convey.

I married the right one the second time around. God knew what he was doing when he brought us together. My husband just completely "gets" me.

I love him SO much & I am SO furtunate to have such a wonderful man as my husband & father of our children.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

It's been awhile

It's been awhile since my last entry. I've been neglecting this blog & parts of myself lately. I could come up with plenty of excuses...but that is what they would be....excuses. The fact is that I have been being lazy & not making time to do what I know NEEDS to be done. So slap me on the hand & kick me in the rear please.

Yesterday was DH & I 5th Wedding Anniversary. Congrats to us. I wanted to get him the new Sopranos video game & neglected to think past that gift. So I ended up making him dinner & desert instead. He went all out & got me new Digital camera & dock as well as 2 dozen red roses.

He was tired as he drove nearly 500 miles for work that day so he was crabby already. Then when I gave him a card & that was all (in his eyes) he got all mad & hurt. When I tried to explain to him that I wanted to get him the game & I really thought Wal-Mart would have it...but didn't he cut me off! When all I hear about is how we spend too much $$$ & how we need to cut back on our spending what was I supposed to do? When I try to talk to him about $$$ he gets weird & huffy & says "Just do whatever you want!" Then he told me "Well you never ASKED how much you could spend on a gift" & I told him WHY I didn't ask he went to bed. Giving me the silent treatment. I would like to say that today I am over it....but I am not. I KNOW I should have thought of something else. I take respnosibility for that. I AM A PIECE OF CRAP! OKAY ALREADY! I GET IT! I feel about an inch tall today. I literally just wanted & still want to just curl up in the bed & cry. Maybe I'll do that when he gets home from work. Yes, what a lovely anniversary we had. He doesn't act like gifts matter to him at all. I hear about how much gas is, how much $$$ we spend, etc. HOW do I TALK to this man?!?! I know we have a big communication issue & when I try to talk to him about fixing goes in one ear & out the other. If I didn't love him SOOO much...all of this stuff wouldn't be bothering me.I tossed & turned all night. I am upset. I can't eat. I can't concentrate & at the moment I don't want to be touched...not even by my children. I REALLY want to just curl up in bed & cry myself to sleep. WHY? All over a crummy anniversary & how small I feel right now. At least I am NOT eating just fill my aching heart. I am NOT eating out of frustration or saddness. I very well could be stuffing my face with candy (which I have in the house) or chips (which I would have to drive to the store to get & I have done that before). I will be fine. I just have to work through this.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The waiting is almost over

The waiting is nearly over. My mom has her appointment at 1pm today & my dad is going with her.

I spoke with her last night. Neither Mom or I had slept well the pervious evening. Last night I was up until 4am. I was SO tired but I couldn't get my mind to slow down.

Today I can't eat becuase I am afraid it will all be liquid if I do. My nerves are shot, my stomach aches, I feel like crying & sleeping all day. None of which are an option with two little girls to care for.

My Mom was planning on working today before her appointment. I know that we do what we have to do & her boss is counting on her help while he is away.

I am also worried about my Dad. He has a heart condition & he holds most everything inside. How will HE handle this? For that matter, how will my Mom handle this. Gee, how will my entire family handle this.

All I can do is contiune to pray it ISN'T cancer & pray that if it is...that it hasn't spread.

I will let you know the results soon. The Dr appointment is about3 hours & 15 minutes from now.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

“Come to the edge.”
“We can't. We're afraid.”
“Come to the edge.”
“We can't. We will fall!”
“Come to the edge.”
And they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.
Guillaume Apollinaire, 1880-1918
French Poet, Philosopher
This is kind of how I feel about my efforts to gain control of my health. my relationships within my family & my life in general. I see angels when I read the above qoate.
I feel like it is what I NEED to do in order to truely make the changes in my goals to TOANL. In other words, I NEED to have complete faith in myself. That is difficult for me because I have never truly had complete faith in myself.
Can I do this?
Do I need to teach myself to trust my own judgement?
I just have to keep telling myself that

Friday, February 17, 2006

TOANL with food jounals, soda intake & housework

I am now trying to get back into the habit of journaling my food. It is a hard habit to form but such an EASY habit to break. It's almost maddening at times! I was dedicating so much time & effort to journaling, etc that I neglected my home. I am continuting with my paper journal but not FitDay. I just don't have that kind of time with two small kids. The journal will have to become second nature or I won't continue it. Without it, I will stay fat & unhealthy & I REFUSE to stay trapped in a fat persons body. The real me, isn't fat...she is thin, sassy & loves to wear clothes that make her feel good about herself.

Yesterday I DID all of my journaling AND spent 3 1/2 hours in my kitchen & dining room & tossing. I broke my cleaning sessions down into 70 min. each. I STILL didn't get it all done, but I made ALOT of progress. Keep in mind that I still have boxes packed up & I have no place to store them. DH is working on that & is in the process of building a storage shed at the back of our property. ANYWAY, after DH came home & saw what I had done, he FINALLY broke down & disposed of these HUGE boxes....stacked floor to ceiling high that I have been after him since OCTOBER to discard. He always had a million excuses. Well I had a pretty good one. I would have to take the girls with me & our car wasn't big enoungh to hold the boxes....even broken down! He took his work truck & finally rid us of them. Now my kitchen area looks bare. I am just glad they are GONE! WOO HOO!

Now that my kitchen table is clear we can start eating at the table instead of in front of the TV. We will do this AFTER the Olympics is over. What does this type of thing have to do with TOANL you ask? It all ties together because when you eat at the table, books say you have a tendency to eat less. I know that my messy house is a trigger of my emotional eating. For me, getting it under control & not suffering from C.H.A.O.S. any longer will help me to TOANL.

I have so many triggers. I am sick to death of them.

Triggers for eating:
  1. Emotional
  2. boredom
  3. actual hunger (sometimes I wonder if I know what that truly is anymore)
  4. self medicating
  5. cravings
  6. illness
  7. laziness
  8. habit
  9. sweet tooth
  10. fast food cravings (bordering on addiction I think)

The journaling & self awareness will help me to deal with my triggers. Just as stopping drinking soda will help me to. I am doing pretty well with that. I went four days without drinking soda & then Saturday on a date with my husband & Sunday with my best friend...I had soda at the restaurants. (not fast food BTW) Today makes five days without soda.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Photos at 230 pounds Feb 2006

Right now I am dealing with one of my BIGGEST problems in my quest to lose weight....emotional eating. I knew I was doing that last night as I stuffed animal crackers down my throat but I was counting them to. How weird is that? If I had bought any junk food when I did grocery shopping Monday then I would have REALLY done some damage. I was proud of myself & didn't buy any of it. Not even chewing gum! At least I am aware I was eating because I was upset about my mom. I guess if I eat due to emotions today I'll try to steer myself toward the salad in the fridge.

*NOTE* Today makes FOUR days without caffeine OR soda pop consumption! WOO HOO! I've had the headache, stomachache & the even the shakes. Those were all mainly on Wednesday. Thursday I was feeling REALLY sluggish both mentally & physically. Today, I am feeling pretty good so far. As good as I can feel anyway, all things considered. I know in the end that dumping the soda habit will go a long way in my weight loss efforts & I will feel much better. I will have to adopt a new saying when I am tempted to drink it again."'s just not worth it!" I say that because I have kicked this particular habit before, only to drink more of it when I start up again. I know from past experience that I am a person that cannot have even a little bit....or I won't be able to stop when it comes to soda. The sad thing is that I have KNOWN this....for YEARS now. I remember telling my sister that very thing about myself shortly after she graduated from Vet school! She graduated back in 1999! (insert Prince song here)

I managed to gain 4 pounds at Disneyland & Bob gained 5. I started to journal my food & then said "F" it! I am on vacation. I DID wear my pedometer though. We walked ALOT for a couple of chunks that aren't used to walking much.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Off topic, My mother has WHAT? Squamous Cell Carcinoma?

Forgive me in advance if this post gets long winded or rambles. As you read you may understand why my thoughts are a big jumble right now.

I was in Disneyland this past Saturday, looking for my husband on Main Street, as I was hungry & had told him I would be on the street watching the parade when he finished in the gift shop. I look out a door of the shop to see him motioning for me to come over to him. I'm thinking to myself "damm! Charlotte JUST got to sleep & The Parade of Dreams is going to wake her up. This had better be important." He hands me his cell phone telling me call my mom. There's an emergency at home & she won't tell me about it". We both figured that someone had died, as there are several relatives, my father included, that aren't in the best of health. I retreated into the gift shop to call my mother, her voice was a bit panicked. She told me my dad was in California working & my brother was at a friends house so could I come get her & take her to the hospital. I then had to tell her I wasn't in the state & was at Disneyland so I wasn't able to take her. She asked me why I didn't tell her we were going so I just said it was a last minute thing. I didn't want to tell her I thought she was a nosy bitty & it was none of her business, so I told her the last minute thing instead. asking her what was wrong I heard the panick rise in her voice a bit. She tells me that the growth she has on the back of her head, about golf ball size for the past few years, exploded. It's contents were covering the curtian behind her couch, part of her couch, the entire back of her shirt & had saturated TWO bath towels. She was pulling chunks of green stuff about the consistancy of grissle out of her hair & that she could put her finger inside the hole & felt more chunks inside her head. Then she proceeds to tell me that she was thinking about taking a pair of scissiors to her head to see if she could get more out! That is when I was on the verge of losing it completely! I remember telling her "Don't take sicissors to your head! Keep your fingers out of it! Call Bill! Call an ambulance! Mom if I get home to find out that you have made things worse by sticking your fingers in it or cutting it open with scissors, I will tell you everything I feel like saying to you right now & so help me it WON'T be nice!" Keep in mind I am standing near the door of the main gift shop on main street Disneyland at 3pm & am noticing that there is nobody anywhere near me. I can't even imagine what anybody that heard my end of the conversation was thinking to themselves, not that I honestly care much. I talked mom into calling Bill & telling her I would call her when I returned home on Sunday. As soon as I hung up the phone with her I silently fell apart. I stood next to the door & cried the ugly cry silently as I watched my husband outside with our girls watching the parade. I was SO mad at my mom & SO frustrated because I grew up with her maniuplating me & pushing my buttons. I thought to myself "damm her! She did it...AGAIN!" I was feeling helpless & worrying about her at the same time, KNOWING that she would make every excuse to keep from going to the hospital.

After the parade passed & Bobby took Liz to get Tiggers autograph I called my Dad making him promise to make her go to the hospital if she hadn't gone when he got home from Cali. He did. Less than an hour later he left a voicemail assuring me that Bill was making her go to the hospital & he would call me if it was anything I needed to come home for immediately. That night I hardly slept & when I did had nightmares of my mothers entire head exploding all over her livingroom.

After we finished our visit with Bobs Grandma Marie, I called Dad to get the scoop. That is when I heard it! The news that kids don't ever want to hear. Not death, but the OTHER medical news no child wants to hear. The Emergency Room doctors told mom that it looks like she has cancer. CANCER! WTF! Dad was very clam & matter of fact about it all. Telling me it looks like Squamous Cell Carcinoma, which is a type of skin cancer. He said it is a very aggressive cancer & the survival rate is only about 15% for 12 to 18 months. As I hear this I begin to tear up & try to keep my voice from wavering so my Daddy couldn't hear it. It is a cancer that attacks soft tissue so it being on the back of her head is the best possible location for it to be in. I didn't comprehend everything he said, but I do remember him saying this cancer has a tendency to send off feelers & there is concern about it heading for moms spinal cord. It was shortly after that I told him I needed to go & take care of the baby. The baby was fine, I just knew I wouldn't be able to hold my composure, or what was left of it, much longer. I cried silent tears, so I wouldn't alarm my oldest & told my DH the news. It hit a cord with him because his step father passed suffering from Cancer & Valley Fever. It probably took an hour before I called my Grandmother Gaskins (my Moms mom) to see how she was doing, then my sister, then my mother. I've had crying jags since Sunday & I am having one right now.

From doing a little research on the net, I know it is curable. The Dr.s are hoping that it is encapsulated & that a core surgery will get it all. It will be two weeks before the test results from Pathology will reach the surgeon. Once they do, Mom was told she will have to very dilligent to get the follow up appointments & surgery scheduled. Whether it is cancer or not, the Dr seems to think it probably was, the rest of that substance will have to be removed. There is no way to avoid it.My parents & brother went to the bookstore to take a nutritional approach to beating this cancer. Mom says it feels better than sitting there & doing nothing. Working is difficult for her concentrate on, but it helps. She was supposed to watch the girls for a few hours this Saturday so Bobby & I could go out. I told her if she didn't feel up to it, she didn't have to. She said that she wants to see the girls & is looking forward to it. She said that waiting for the results is very difficult & that she is scared but is determined to beat this. She has to be terrified. I know I am scared & it's not even in my body! I don't know how mom, the family or myself will feel once she gets the results back. All I know is that the family will have to come together to give each other lots of support. In all honestly, I no longer know if this family is capable of doing that. It is sad, but it is also my honest opinion.

Part of me can't help but take the view of "Mom, if you would have had this lump checked into & removed 15 years ago like us kids were telling you too, maybe this cancer wouldn't have grown on your head. Your head or anywhere for that matter!" Part of me is terrified that it will be too late & the cancer will have already spread. Part of me is scared to see my mom go through this at all. Most of me is scared of losing my mom before I'm ready & to have all six of her living grandchildren grow up without their Grandma Tompkins.As much as my mother drives me crazy & pushes my buttons, she is still my mom & I'm not ready to let her go. We don't have a diagnosis yet. If it is cancer, hopefully it will be treatable, localized & will go away with one surgery.

I will post about the Disney trip when I'm in a better frame of mind to do so.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

228 pounds

228 pounds. That's about all I have to say today.

I have NOT been journaling my food the past few days but I HAVE put a pad of paper in the diaper bag for Disney so I can jounral my food & log my steps.

I HAVE been more aware of my food & beverage choices even when I haven't been journaling my food.

I HAVEN'T been walking but I have a pretty good excuse. I live in the middle of nowhere & people let their dogs out to run wild. Keep in mind we have wild rabid animals out here as well. A German Shepard that NEVER goes after anyone went after ME the other day. I told him "No!" in a stern but not scared voice & he sat down almost immediately. I was on the road & not on his property, but when I see a mouth full of teeth & growling running at full speed toward causes me to be concerned.

I think from now on I will be walking at the mall about three times per week. Walking isn't worth an animal attack....especially when I usually have my kids with me.

Speakig of walking, I will be doing a bunch of that at Disneyland!

That wraps it up for this entry. I will write again briefly after we return.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

What happens when you don't journal your food...

What happens when I don't journal my food intake? My calories consumed shoot WAY up! I journaled my food & then stopped for a few days. I WON'T be doing that again. It was just laziness on my part. I've found that if I journal what I eat right before or after I eat it, then it gets done. If I don't then I can slip into my bad habits. You know what? At least I caught this & am able to stop it only 23 days into TOANL.

On a good's only 4 pm & I've already drank my 64 oz of water. I'll go for at least 16 more before bed. I also will be walking again tonight. Last night DH had a little hissy fit so I walked without him! HUMPH! Nuts to not walking. He started the walk & then turned around after only FIVE minutes. I kept right on going, KNOWING that if I went back to the house, I would quit as well.


I need to wake the kids from thier naps & get my walk in before it gets too windy here. I don't honestly like the tase of dirt flying into my mouth.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

We are headed for "The Magic Kingdom" in February. We have already booked our lodging & are planning our trip. One day we are going to visit Bob's Grandma Marie. When were in California last time (Oct 2004) his Grandma was a remarkably young & sharp 92 years old. This time on the phone she didn't sound so sharp. She no longer drives & is having some significant health problems. Since she hasn't seen the new baby & she is the closet Grandparent (& the oldest in the worst health) we are going to drop in for a visit. Depending on how bad off she is, we are going to try to talk my MIL into driving out there to see her while she's visits us in March.

Crissy, we are not telling ANYONE about this trip to Disneyland. We just want to relax & enjoy our mini vacation without any remarks or critisims from the family. We are still thinking about an Illinois trip this fall, it all depends on finances & work.

Back to the subject of this post. We found a affordable hotel with continental breakfast just 150 yards from the main pedestrian entrance from Disneyland. Surprisingly, many hotels charge for parking, even of their guests! The hotel we found does not charge for parking. That will save us about $10 per day. Since we aren't big breakfast eaters, the breakfast saves us up to $30 each day! Since we are within walking distance of Disney, we won't have to move our car & lose or parking we just burn that many more calories.

I am trying to plan ways for me to minimize that snacking & soda pop while in the park. There are many stands with fresh fruit & bottled water. Do I really feel like paying through the nose for that? You aren't supposed to bring your own food & drink into the park either. There are lockers just to the outside of the park entrance for rent. I will have bottled water to make Charlotte's bottles, which I can bring a couple extras & tell them it is to make the baby's bottles. Hopefully that will work. I think I will be drinking & filling a water bottle with drinking fountain water for myself. I will also probably bury a couple of Granola bars for each day in the diaper bag. Salad is available at many of the eateries in Disney. Like I said, I am really looking into this.

As for February instead of just journaling my food, one of my goals was to really be conscious of my food choices had already decided this BEFORE DH suggested the trip. Last night we all walked 3108 steps = 1.422 miles according to my pedometer in exactly 30 minutes. Elizabeth pushed a Barbie Doll in her doll stroller alongside her Daddy while I pushed Charlotte in the big stroller. I am going to drag DH & kids out for another walk tonight if he gets home early enough. The girls actually enjoy the walks, it is DH that doesn't like them so much. Walking was another goal I had decided to tackel beginning in February. The Disney trip just bumped it up by a couple of weeks. I will be wearing my pedometer in Disney & tracking my steps daily. I will also be tracking my food in my food journal & entering it at Fit Day shortly after we get home.

My DSH insisted that I book a reflexology session for my feet the Sunday before we leave. An hour long session is $85. For $15 more I could get a 30 minute reflexology session & a pedicure with a hand parafin dip! DH said if that was what I wanted I could have it. Sunday is the only day he can watch the kids while I go to the spa for some pampering. He'd better watch out because I could get used to that kind of pampering. Once again, that was HIS idea. I wasn't about to turn that down!

I will try to write at least once more before we leave for Disney

Monday, January 16, 2006

New BMI is 41.8

I know, I know it's still WAY too high. At least it is going in the right direction now.

I made some more good choices today that I am proud of.
  1. I chose to eat a sandwich made from Stone Ground Bread, ONE slice of turkey & ONE slice of cheese instead of half of a frozen pizza.
  2. I chose to drink Crystal Light INSTEAD of more than 12 oz. of diet soda.

The bad news is that I was so focused on cleaning carpet that I've only eaten a little over 500 calories today! The good news is that I was so focused on cleaning carpet that I didn't feel the need to eat due to boredom today!

WOO HOO! Progress is progress!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Yesterday I caved & gave into to my craving for 10pm. I know, I know "Bad Mary! Bad! Bad!" *insert smacking of the hand sounds here* We made Cornish Game Hens in the crock pot with onions, red potatoes & carrots for dinner last night. It was SO good and VERY tender. I ate about 1/3 of my hen removed the skin before eating it. I once again made the decesion to drink water instead of soda at dinner. It doesn't seem like much to some, but to me it is HUGE. I used to drink as much as a two liter bottle of soda each day. I only drank 12 ounces of soda yesterday. Like I've learned in the past, tackle one thing at a time. This month I had deceided to do the following:
  1. Journal everything I put into my mouth
  2. drink at least 64 ounces of water daily (knowing that I would have to work up to that amount...from zero on most days)
  3. Kick the soda habit
  4. weight myself & use FITDay to keep myself accountable

I realise that this is more than one thing, but in my mind they ARE one thing. They all go together & will make it easier for me to take control of my health.

Today DH & I were out with the kids. He was told he had the day off but he is on call. He got a call to go to a job & on the way home I had DH stop by the grocery store. I was wanting a buger SOOO bad. We easily could have stopped at Mc Donald's & grabbed something but I had go to Frys. I hopped out, grabbed some pre-made burger patties & buns & we went home. I cooked the burgers while he got ready & I was proud of myself. Pre-TOANL I would have gotten the 1/4 lb Cheeseburger, fries & drink. Now I made the burger, had NO fries & had 12 oz. glass of diet soda. I followed that up with a 16 oz glass of water. Once again, I made a choice NOT to eat fast food. I swear there is something in the food that makes people like me crave it. It felt really good to drive by Mc Donalds & just keep on going.

If you want to check out my other blog here's the link.

Monday, January 09, 2006

I am getting a more accurate view of what eat now. As for calories, no wonder I'm a fat woman! I am noticing patterns in my eating as well. Things like WHEN I am snacking & WHAT I am snacking on. I will admit that I actually thought about NOT putting those 12 cookies in my mouth but went ahead & ate them anyway. When I had to write them on paper, enter them into Fit Day & I saw the total calories from just the was painful. You know what? Before I wouldn't have given it a second thought. As for the burger...that is progress. In 2005, it would have eaten a 1/4 pounder with cheese, a super size french fry & a super size coke. I also made a concisious decesion NOT to drink soda at dinner tonight. THAT felt good. Progress is progress....right?

Tomorow it's time to break in another Christmas new Easy Shaper.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

660 Calorie Cinnamon rolls!

I love my DSH to pieces but I told him he could not bring anymore of these particular villians home...66o Calorie Cinnamon Rolls from Sam's Club. Yes, they taste wonderful, but when I saw how many calories they have, I remebered that commerical with the woman walking along with two GIANT cinnamon rolls attatcehed to her rear end. I placed myself in that commerical in my mind. NO MORE 660 CALORIE CINNAMON ROLLS INSIDE THE HOUSE! PERIOD! I It is a reminder that I have to look at the nutrition labels BEFORE I eat something like that.

I need to fill out my food intake at Fitday now.

In closing, let me just say that I have the best "baby sis" in the entire universe! I was truly blessed to have her as my sister & truly fortunate to be able to call her my friend.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

BMI 42.2

Okay I KNEW I was very obese. I had no idea my Body Mass Index was 42.2! That is both shcoking AND scary to me! In am also in the 98% of my weight for my age group. That means that 98% of people in my age group for my height are LIGHTER than I am! Talk about a wake up call. GEEZ!

As I said I would, I have written down everything I put into my mouth since Jan 3rd. For the most part, it isn't the amount that I am eating. Instead it appears to be WHAT I am eating. I knew that I needed to change my eating habits. I knew they were a mess. I had no clue how much actual junk I shoved into my mouth each & every day.

I did manage to get 32 ounces of water down today...up from 0 ounces on most other days.

Even though some of what I am discovering is shocking to me, I am SO glad I finally have deceiced to face it & do something about it. I know this will take a ton of work & dedication. I expect to fall of the wagon & make some poor choices. I take pride in knowing that even though others may see twin midgets rolling around in my pants from the backside, I am taking the steps to do something to change it. Change it permanetly.

I refuse to spend another year fat & feeling helpless to change it. SInce I am tracking everything, if I feel it's necessary to bring it my Dr.s attention, I can print it out & show it to him. I can do that in the form of reports of varoius types through

My Pyramid Plan
Based on the information you provided and the average needs for your age, gender and physical activity
Physical Activity:Less than 30 Minutes
your results indicate that you should eat these amounts from the following food groups daily.Your results are based on a 1800 calorie pattern*.

Grains 6 ounces

Vegetables 2.5 cups

Fruits 1.5 cups

Milk 3 cups

Meat / Beans ounces

1 Make Half Your Grains Whole
Aim for at least 3 whole grains a day
2 Vary Your Veggies
Aim for this much every week:
Dark Green Vegetables =
Orange Vegetables =
Dry Beans & Peas =
Starchy Vegetables =
Other Vegetables =
ois & Discretionary Calories
Aim for 5 teaspoons of oils a day
Limit your extras (extra fats & sugars) to 195 Calories
*This calorie level is only an estimate of your needs. Monitor your body weight to see if you need to adjust your calorie intake.

Note*** I have to go back to the FGP site & recalculate my info to post it correctly. I will do this in the next few days. I didn't intend to eliminate the recommendations for all of the veggies. OOPS!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Fit Day Link & Weight

Today is the first day I have journaled my food/liquid intake. The info is on my fit day link.

Todays weight is a whopping 230.8 pounds! I'll post my BMI later this week when I have a chance to find a site so I can figure it out.

ANother area that need TOANL is my time managemtn skills (or lack thereof). I started that with putting the dogs next appointment into the reminder cards needed! WOO HOO!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Turning over a new leaf

This is the first entry in Turning over a new leaf. Beginning in January of 2006 I have committed myself to TOANL in several areas of my life. The first area for 2006, taking control of my health. I am obese & have managed to avoid many of the weight related health problems that plague my side of the family. In taking control of my health, I am choosing to prevent them from affecting me personally. I am just hopeful that I am chosing to do this soon enough.
This is NOT a NEW YEARS RESOULUTION! This is a commitment to myself & my family.
I have the support of my DH this time. He stands to benefit from the positive changes I shall be making. He will gain a wife that is confident in her appearance, be happier in both mind & spirit & he will most likely trim a few inches off if his own waistline. Most important is that we will be setting an example for our very small children to help them avoid the weight issues that both DH & I have.
I will be posting at least once each week, & plan to have a link to an online tracking system for my food intake, my exercise habits as well as my weight (both losses & gains).
Don't just wish me luck. Please offer me support in what will probably prove to be a long & sometimes frustrating process that I have choosen to go through.
Have a wonderful & healthy 2006 & beyond.